Tag Archives: green cleaners

Vinegar – a Green Alternative To Clean by Ramona

15 Sep

A while back I ran across something on TV that warned of the dangers of household cleaners. Honestly, about 4 years ago, I would probably have skipped over that show with a roll of the eye, thinking how crazy people have gotten when it comes to all things “green.” However, having a child with health issues has certainly opened my eyes to a new way of thinking.  I absolutely loved my household cleaners. After each use, I truly felt as if I had single-handedly just spared my family of microscopic toxins and germs invading our home. The trademark of this heroic feeling? The smell of clean! Ahhh!!

I began looking at the labels of my everyday household cleaners. I had a cleaner for my bathroom, one for my kitchen, another for dusting, yet another for windows, and of course a million containers of disinfecting wipes. I began educating myself and learning just how bad these products are for the environment and your health with prolonged exposure. Not to mention, I really spent a fortune in cleaning products when I sat down and thought about it!

I began to consider the “greener” options and the results were astounding. Vinegar became my weapon of choice. I purchased several large spray bottles (from the dollar store) and a huge bottle of white vinegar ( 1 gal is about $3-$4 at Wal-mart). I made up a 50/50 solution of vinegar and water and went crazy. What I had just found was a multipurpose, inexpensive, disinfecting, green alternative to my clusters of hazardous cleaning products. I will admit the smell of it is not easy on the nose, but after it dries it is completely odorless. If you are still missing the scent of your old cleaners, you can dapple in various essential oils. Lemon, eucalyptus, lavendar….just squeeze a few drops into your bottle and the take a wiff!

Just a few of the many possible uses….

Windows – to me, works just as well as Windex

Bathrooms – Counters, mirrors, tubs….Add a little Borax (found in cleaning isle) with your vinegar solutions to have a sparkling toilet!

Floors – Just spray and mop!

Kitchen counters – replaces my disinfecting wipes (interesting enough if you read the labels, it says to wipe off with water after use! Who does that!?)

Appliances – A few sprays in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds and stuck on food wipes off with ease. Also great for cleaning out the fridge!

Weed Killer – Pour a little on your outdoor weeds in your flowerbeds and watch it work!

Wall paper remover – I would never have believed this is I hadn’t done it myself. It works better than any stripper I have ever used. Just spray on wipe over with a damp rag to distribute, wait a few moments and it literally almost falls off the walls.

The possibilities are endless! I challenge you to try this and then let me know your thoughts! You will be amazed!

I give this a 5 out of 5 Cups of Joe!!